Monday, August 6, 2007

Lacemaking Demo

A good friend makes lace the old fashioned way-by hand. It is fascinating to watch. She teaches classes in lacemaking and gives demonstrations at fairs. She also travels to Denmark to the International Lacemaking convention and takes classes there.

We filmed outside to take advantage of the natural light but there is some background noises-traffic, koi pond bubbling, and dogs barking. Oh, well. It is my very first attempt at filming anything!

Here is a direct link to the video-Lacemaking Demo

I also added the demo to Here it is in a pop-up window

Click To Play

Here is the Permalink


nancy said...

I have always enjoyed watching these skilled craftspeople when I go to colonial fairs and such. I hope you own some samples - they are so delicate...good job, Debbie!

Melissa said...

I enjoyed this! I want more! Thanks for sharing!